IN WHICH We Visit the Philadelphia Morbecks, Late in the Winter o '98

Gabriel Shaw Morbeck and Benjamin Lyter Morbeck at 3 months. We hardly ever put them into matching outfits, yet we must confess they look really cute when we do (the above statement was deeply influenced by parental prejudice)


According to family lore, my Grandfather Shaw actually knew the "Two Guys from Harrison". I realize now that this means absolutely nothing to anybody as no one I know remembers the "Two Guys" chain of sleazy discount stores which so influenced my youth. Speaking of sleazy discount stores, Gabriel is already a budding young capitalist. Here he is pictured out in his maternal ancestral home of Irwin, PA (Turnpike Exit 7) in front of a little business enterprise he's been working on in between bites of rice cereal. This picture was taken around Turkey Day time. For a definition of a "forced" smile, take a good look at Mommy


The boys were visited by their grandmother Morbeck (Baaka in family parlance) last month. Coincidentally, she thinks that they're cute, too!


Probably the most artistic photograph ever taken in this household was taken by Baaka while visiting. We call it..........

Do these babies seem suspicious of their "BBB"( Big Brother Brad), or what? Brad's budding career as a snake oil salesman already seems to be underway.

And now, on to our night time pursuits! Here's a picture of Brad, Sally, and one of the boys (who ever really knows, anyway?) clustered around our version of the Family Bible. That's right, the greatest compilation of stories ever bound together under one yellow cover: "The Complete Adventures of Curious George."

We received our copy of this wonderful book just this last Christmas from Julia (and other sundry Haydens, I think). Since then it's been aging in dog years (or quicker). The spine's already broken from being tossed up and down the stairs (it's a weighty tome to carry).

Curious George is not really a '90's kind of monkey. Here he is enjoying a nice pipe after a nice meal. If we still had a Surgeon General in this grand old country of ours, I'm sure he/she would never approve of a thirty pound monkey smoking. One of the other amazing things which happens to George is having a human Doctor actually making a housecall to visit a sick monkey (after he eats the piece of the puzzle).


One of our other close bed time confidants is the "silly old bear" himself, Winnie-the-Pooh. By the way, does anyone know what Smokey-the-Bear's middle name is? I like Pooh because he seemingly spends most of his time trying to look (and sound) interested while Rabbit or Owl prattle on about this or that. PLAY VIRTUAL POOHSTICKS!!!


Two last quick glimpses......
Sally & Gabriel




And finally, a special guest appearance from Sally's sister Nora and her minions (minions pictured: Harrison (dog), Patrick (boy), Nigel (dog).
Direct from South Haven, Michigan.