Faithful Ambos Steed Leads Morbecks to Dismal Parade Finish;

28 Presidenters Rally Late to Salvage Independence Day 2001

Rutledge, PA, July 4, 2001: Reset the electronic galleys! After a preliminary midday headline of “LOSERS!” might have been indicated the mighty Morbeck juggernaut rebounded from a disappointing morning to capture several important events in the annual Rutledge Fourth of July celebration.


The day started early as I went out into the backyard to put the finishing touches on our “family float” entry this year. Breathtakingly original, our float was simply entitled “Birth of Rutledge 1884”. A heavy shoe motif was employed, coupled with an ingenious counterweight system which cantilevered the ancestral Ambos family hobby horse a full 4 feet out from the main presentation body. Posters tried unsuccessfully to bring our consistently thick fellow townspeople up to speed with the following important historical concept: The Borough of Rutledge had its genesis in a scheme to provide building lots for the workers of the Mundell Shoe Company of Philadelphia, PA. Our plethora of old worn out shoes from the third floor closet adorned either side of a large plywood boot closely resembling the type featured in the old Mundell advertisements, replete with a drawing of a sun to signify the “solar tip” brandname.

We hit the streets at about 9:30 AM in order to get over to the “The Triangle” in time to register. Brad took his bike two doors down to the Lacons to festively decorate with the help of Bike Decorator Extraordinaire Miss Erica.

       The kids all shared the supply of red, white and blue streamers and I donated some shiny star wreath material I scored in the big city a few years ago. For some odd reason Ben got his holidays mixed up and INSISTED on being a tiger for the festivities.


We dug up the traditional Halloween tiger costume but due to the heat finally reached a compromise with him: tiger costume hat accented with a red superman cape. Soon we were ready as we pushed our behemoth loaded with one horsebacked boy and one sitting passenger down the famous “Oreo Trail” (Unity Terrace).

Wow, this thing is heavy! The added 257 pounds of pig iron installed on the float’s tail end seemed like a good idea during the design and implementation phase of this project.

 Gee, I wish there was a “Heaviest Float” category: We would take that prize hands down. A few raindrops gave way to intense humidity, managing to make the trek even soggier. We queued up with our fellow townspeople and saw that there was incredibly stiff competition this year - the natural progression for we Morbecks would call for an “Honorable Mention” award after placing second and then third in previous years.

We entered Brad in the “Decorated Bikes” category and he went forward in line to join his fellow two wheeled brethren in the marching order. As usual the Fire Truck blew its massive horn several times and Dollie from Dollie’s Hair Salon gave the big go ahead to start. We gamely pushed our way through town, staying near the end of the procession. Small throngs of people greeted us at every corner, with scattered applause and waves proffered by friends and neighbors.

We finally reached Town Hall and witnessed the various ceremonies from the line waiting for water ices and sodas. We edged towards the Fire Hall steps where the parade awards were being announced in order to hear our triumphant names broadcast over de facto PA system - a portable bullhorn I think I saw marked down at Radio Shack last week. One by one we heard the names of winners barked out and saw them muster up to receive their ribbons.

Finally, the “Family Float” Division awards were due to be announced! No Honorable Mention........Okay........No Third Place......Maybe........No Second Place......Could it be?........ And the winner is.........

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright:

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,

And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,

But there is no joy in Rutledge, the Morbecks have struck out!

-with apologies to Ernest Thayer

I was warned by a colleague of mine to “shoot for the lowest common denominator” when designing things like this. Needless to say, I didn’t listen. We obviously ended up with a float much too cerebral for the rank and file judging apparatus in this small burg. Be that as it may, we couldn’t linger crying in our sodas - There were Fire Trucks to Ride!!!

We waited and waited along Unity Terrace until it was our turn to mount the large wooden steps up to Fire Engine Heaven for boys. They tried to cut the line off right between Gabe and Ben going up the steps: No more room up top! Ben and Laing Ramirez were hustled around to the passengers’ side and got to ride together in the jumpseat! Wow, this new fire engine is really up to date! Wheeeeee!

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